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How are the informations on the platform referenced?
How are the informations on the platform referenced?

Discover the reliability and rigour of the referencing process for information accessible via the platform.

Updated over 2 months ago

It is normal to wonder how we proceed to list service providers and their services. We work to provide the most qualified, exhaustive and independant information possible to users of the platform.

Indeed, the referencing process is the key of the trust you place in the information you access via the platform. That's why we ensure that the information provided is referenced and validated manually by each service provider, guaranteeing qualified and validated information for users.

💡 Good to know: Skinobs does not use any artificial intelligence to reference test information from service providers: 100% human intelligence.

1. The search for a service provider

We are constantly looking for new test providers to list, through industry monitoring, our participation in international events, etc., in order to offer an exhaustive overview of test providers worldwide.

2. Making contact

We then contact the test provider to arrange a meeting by videoconference.

3. Discovering dermocosmetic services

During this videoconference, we create a real human link with the service provider: we ask them about their expertise and their routine services in the field of skin, hair and nail testing for the cosmetics industry.

This meeting is essential, as it is a privileged moment of exchange for both Skinobs and the service provider: questions come thick and fast, and we get to know each other's specific expertise.

4. The table of services

Once we've understood the service provider's different areas of activity, we send them a table of the services we list on the platform, which they return to us completed.

If the service provider offers a specific service that is not listed on the platform, we suggest that they fill in a specific table to find out all the information about this service.

5. Manual referencing

Once the completed table has been returned by the service provider, a manual listing process begins at Skinobs: we create their service provider file, list their information and link their services to their specific characteristics (e.g. types of subjects, test media used, etc.).

If the service provider offers a service that is not yet available on the platform, we take the time to co-construct and validate the service and its method sheet with them.

6. Validation by the service provider

Finally, once the listing is complete, we ask the service provider to check and validate their listing on the platform.

We then add the ‘Testing Laboratory Validated’ badge that you may see on some service providers:

After this referencing work, we regularly contact the service providers to update the information on the platform. We also add the latest test trends and new claims that may arise (a telling example might be the ‘Maskne’ claim during COVID-19).

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